TEDxITB 2.0 at NuArt Sculpture Park


Action :

The Fundamental Breakthrough

Now, it's your turn to take action!

Attend our workshop & booth!

Event details

Main Event

  • Calendar IconDay/Date: Saturday, 27 May 2023
  • Calendar IconTime: 02:00 - 09:30 WIB
  • Calendar IconLocation: Balai Kota Bandung




This year's topics

A New Approach (Education)

Zhaffari Luthfan (Chosen Student Speaker, Ex-Head of External MTI ITB)

I witnessed my organization dying in front of my eyes. As the pandemic hit, the online transition opened up many opportunities for students, and members didn’t perceive my student organization as something beneficial. In a quest to generate motivation by increasing the organization’s perceived value, I introduced a new concept of marketing to sell this organization: Human-Centered Marketing. MTI is great because of the people inside it and the people of MTI is great because they’re nurtured by MTI. Little did I know, my vision created a whole new era of MTI ITB now. A small vision to a breakthrough in the student union world.


Derived from A Divine Culture (Art and Media)

Rifan Rifan Ibnu Rahman (Co-Founder of Swara Gembira)

Indonesia and its divine culture can and will take the world’s breath away. In this day and age everyone may be famous for the smallest idea. But imagine taking a big idea, a beautiful material and taking the right actions to build a whole new impact for the culture and economy. With the rise of media industries in Indonesia, we have so much to dig and build. So if anyone has a potentially big idea, don’t let it go to waste and not share it with the world. But also work with the right people to achieve beyond expectations.

Art and MediaArt and Media

From Stepping Waste to Stepping Golds (Environment)

Reza Hasfinanda (Founder and CEO of PlusTik)

In a world teeming with life, lies the breathtaking tapestry of biodiversity. Human activities often cause species extinction and ecosystem degradation. The consequences are dire: reduced soil fertility, tainted water, and increased vulnerability to disease. Protecting biodiversity is vital for the planet's sustainability and the well-being of all creatures. It involves preserving habitats, stopping invasive species, and promoting sustainable land use. Protecting biodiversity is crucial for the sustainability of the planet and the well-being of all living creatures, and involves preserving habitats, preventing the introduction of invasive species, and promoting sustainable land use practices. Together, we weave a brighter future, championing biodiversity for the flourishing of all.


Leaning on Luck and Long Shots (Career and Entrepreneurship)

Rizky Arief (CEO of HMNS Perfumery)

Long shot, a venture or guess that has only the slightest chance of succeeding or being accurate. It's impossible for us to know what the future holds, there could be a lot of failures and mistakes along the way, but it's up to us to decide whether we want to give ourselves a chance to fail and embrace those failures to reach the greater goal or not. Who knows how much we could change and maybe redefine our own terms of success in the process.

Career and EntrepreneurshipCareer and Entrepreneurship

Researchers for Golden Indonesia (Tech and Innovation)

Indra Rudiansyah (PMO of mRNA and Viral Vector Vaccine Project)

Envision a golden Indonesia, a nation thriving with innovation, prosperity, and boundless possibilities. But to reach this extraordinary future, we must first address a critical issue: the lack of exposure and understanding of research-based professions within our society. Research holds the key to unlocking our potential, driving communal development, and propelling us towards independence. It is time to ignite a revolution of knowledge, to spark a fire within our hearts and minds, and to rally behind the unsung heroes of progress—the researchers. Let us embark together on this quest, for the future of a golden Indonesia starts with nurturing a culture that cherishes researchers and their extraordinary contributions.

Technology and InnovationTechnology and Innovation

Social Maturity for The Youth (Psychology)

Nailah Shabirah (Executive Director at Meraki Asa)

The young generation nowadays need to realize that social intelligence is very beneficial whether you’re an individualists or a collectivists person. Most problems come from ourselves and how we behave towards the outside world. The wisest thing to do is to develop the intelligence in these two things. Social intelligence can makes them more sensitive to their surroundings and have better emotional management towards themselves and with others. Having a mastery of it surely can help the young generation to grow as a better person for themself and the society.


Workshop & Booth

Attend our workshops and booths by purchasing the General Entry tickets! We have a variety of booths planned, from a Technology Invention Showcase to a sustainability booth with interactive activities.

In the pottery workshop, learn how to create your own handbuilt pottery and paint it afterwards. You can even get the chance to win a Xiaomi Smart band 7 for producing the best work!

The multimedia workshop will expose you to the intricacies of photography, videography, as well as how to edit them well. Win a Smart Air Purifier for joining this workshop!

For more details about the booths and workshops, check out the booklet below.

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